The Academy of Prosthodontics Foundation

The mission of the Academy of Prosthodontics is to promote the art and science of prosthodontics, disseminate prosthodontic knowledge, encourage study and investigation and provide outreach services to those in need. The Academy of Prosthodontics Foundation was established in 1990 to assist the Academy in achieving this mission. Currently the Foundation is funding outreach programs to four locations and has provided $30,000 in research grants to graduate students over the last two years.

The Foundation began with a financial base of $2,886 in 1990. Over the years, contributions have come from active members, bequests from estates, Indian Health Service grants, Native American Tribal funds, the Snyder Foundation and the Editorial Council of the Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry as well as corporate donors such as the Straumann Company. Over the past 23 years, continued financial support by the membership and other entities along with a conservative institutional investment policy has increased the Foundation's modest starting base to over $600,000. The Foundation operates with a volunteer Board of Directors and officers and maintains very low administrative costs. At this time, all activities of the Foundation are sustained without negatively impacting our principal.

Currently the board of the Foundation is implementing a strategic plan to strengthen our support from Academy members and corporate contributors so that the Academy of Prosthodontics can continue to fulfill its mission in the future.

The Foundation's mission

1 Promote the art and science of prosthodontics to the profession and the public
2 Disseminate knowledge concerning prosthodontics throughout the profession
3 Encourage study and investigation of the various phases of prosthodontics and related subjects
4 Provide or conduct outreach services to the community of need.